Friday, October 11, 2013

Start Moving

“When Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time, he asked him, ‘Do you want to get well?’ ’Sir,’ the invalid replied, ‘I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I am trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me.’ Then Jesus said to him, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.” At once the man was cured; he picked up his mat and walked.”- John 5:6-8

At times we can all have the experience of asking God for something and waiting, whether it is getting extra money; a relationship; job; or ___________, but nothing happens. We have friends that see us struggling, but they don’t step in. We may even see people getting assistance way quicker and easier than we are…and we have been waiting longer! It just doesn’t seem fair!

It’s alright to feel this way because we are human, but the danger we face is allowing it to consume us. We get to the point of moping and feeling sorry for ourselves. That’s when it takes a lot more for us to actually get help because we might be so down and caught up in our mess that we miss the assistance we need when it steps in front of us.

The best example in scripture of this very situation is found in the verses shown above. Look at the response the invalid gives to Jesus when Jesus asks the simple question “Do you want to get well?” He whines about how he has no one to help him get to the pool and how others get ahead of him. I would have loved to hear Jesus say “Dang! You want some cheese with that whine?!” He didn’t and that’s why I’m not Jesus.

The reality is, the guy was so caught up in waiting around and feeling sorry for himself, that when Jesus offered help he went into whiner mode. This guy had the opportunity to respond with “Heck Yeah! I have been sitting here forever and you are the first person to offer. Come pick me up!” He missed his chance, but Jesus didn’t leave.

Jesus’ response is great though “Get up!” It was that simple! Jesus was saying “Dude! I know your needs. I am right here. Get up! Start Moving! Make something happen!” Then, of course, the guy got up and moved.
I think this is what God is trying to teach us today. When we get into the mope mode or become a whiner, we might be missing out on the help He is trying to give us. Even then, He doesn’t leave. However, if we turn to Him, listen to what He is actually saying; there might be a very simple solution to our problem…GET UP! Take some steps and trust that He is God. Trust that He is a God that knows your pain and will provide a way out. We just have to rest in His promises, get up, and start moving in the His directions for us.

Then, maybe, just maybe, we will experience a whole new life and move with new bounce in our step. God is longing for His people to move with His promises, we just have to get off our mats and walk with trust in Him to provide what we need.

QUESTION: What is your mat God is calling you to get off of and walk? Can you trust His words to move? Why or Why not?

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