Friday, June 3, 2016

Digging For What You’re Looking For

“As the deer pants for the water brooks, So my soul pants for You, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God; When shall I come and appear before God?”-Psalm 42:1-2 (NASB)

It has been interesting time in my house with all of the organizing. Natasha and I have tried to take one day a week and focus on one or two cabinets to sort and clean. I am still having trouble throwing away rags, but I know it is going to have to happen soon (Throwing Away The Rags).

We have a cabinet above our washing machine which holds all of our laundry and cleaning supplies. I was getting ready to clean our floors with the SWIFFER, but I couldn’t find the cloths that attach to the wand (They make it sound so magical, but I wish it was a real wand).  I had to pull out all of the other bottles of cleaners, rags, and laundry detergent in order to find the wet wipes I needed. I’m not going to lie, I was a little frustrated.

I had all the other supplies sitting on the washing machine until it was time for me to put the Swiffer wipe container back. I got the job done and put everything away.

Now, when I was getting frustrated trying to find the wipes I didn’t give up and ask Natasha where they were. I knew they would be there; I just had to keep digging until I found them.

This could apply to us on our spiritual journey. We are all seeking truth. We are all seeking to understand. However, many of us quit before we find what we are looking for.

In fact, U2 said it best:
I have run
I have crawled
I have scaled these city walls
These city walls
Only to be with you

But I still haven't found what I’m looking for
But I still haven't found what I’m looking for
(I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For-

We do all these things to discover something large, but we fail to find it, which leads us to either quit or become complacent in what we have discovered.  The great thing about the U2 song is the fact that all these awesome things were probably found after scaling the walls, but it wasn’t enough, but they didn’t stop looking.

When I cleaned out that cabinet, I found several items that would be beneficial as time went on in my cleaning experience. I found wood cleaner, glass cleaner, a little sponge that is supposed to magically clean things off of walls (again with the stinkin’ magic), but none of those things fit my need.

When we give up on praying, reading scripture, going to church, hanging out with other believers, etc. we will begin to search for what we are looking for in other ways. We will try to find peace in false teachers. We will try to find love in unhealthy relationships. We will try to find rest in an addiction. However, we know, we will not find what we are looking for.

Perhaps we are looking for something to appear right away and instantly take care of us, but we miss the very thing we are looking for because we aren’t willing to go beyond the surface.

Look at how U2 ends their song:

You broke the bonds
And you loosed the chains
Carried the cross and all my shame
All my shame
You know I believed it

But I still haven't found what I’m looking for
But I still haven't found what I’m looking for

Christ’s sacrifice is enough. That is what we should be trying to find. That is what will end all of our searching. His willingness to loosen our chains and carry all our shame is what completes us. It makes us free. It gives us life.

Just like the wipes for the Swiffer were right in front of me, I just had to dig deeper, the message of the cross is right in front of us, but Christ calls us to seek His message. This is a call to dig deeper and deeper.

May we be willing to dig deeper into scripture. May we be willing to dig deeper into prayer. May we be willing to dig deeper together in order to find what we are looking for.

Peace and blessings friends.

QUESTION: Have you ever had a hard time finding something, but ended up finding it after searching for some time? 

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