Monday, November 30, 2015

A Message For Advent

The Advent season is upon us. It is a time to reflect on waiting. It is a time in the Christian Church to reflect on the past and rest in the hope that is promised by God for the future.

I don’t know about you, but when I was a kid I couldn’t stand waiting for anything. I hated waiting in line. I hated waiting for food. I hated waiting for a movie to start. In fact, I hated waiting to wait.

I remember, one time, I got tired of waiting in line for a movie, so I searched for a way to get in the “back door”. The theater I was attending had entrance doors and exit doors. I waited for the right moment to sneak in the exit doors so I could catch the movie for free. That stinkin’ line was way too long and this was before I knew Jesus, so skipping line didn’t bother me then.

Anyway, it worked. My impatience got me in the door. I was able to buy my popcorn and drink and I went to the theater to catch my film. Well, that didn’t last long. The manager caught me and I wasn’t allowed at that theater for 60 days.

What does this have to do with advent? A whole bunch!

This is a time of rest and reflection. It is a time to think about what God has done for us already and to pray for the work that He is going to be doing in, through, and for us in the days ahead.

The struggle is patience. Waiting takes discipline. Waiting takes time. Waiting causes us to focus on where we are and slow down enough to get excited for what’s coming.

During this advent season, may we slow down enough to truly listen to God. May we be patient enough to wait for His message. May we see where we have been and get excited for where we are going, but take the time to find joy in the present time we are in.

Enjoy this season and look forward to what God has in store for you!

Peace and blessings friends.

QUESTION: What discipline do you practice to reflect on God?

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