Friday, September 20, 2013



For the past few days I have had to drive to work in fog. Fog makes things difficult on the road, especially when I have to drive through construction zones. I have to keep my headlights on and my eyes open for deer, other cars, or even people and hope I don't make any drastic mistakes.

Fog hits at the most inopportune times. Sometimes I have to wait for awhile until the fog clears enough to start driving. Often times, when caught in fog, confusion can set in.

Sometimes in life we hit a fog. It's a rough point that causes distraction and frustration. It comes in so many different forms. We face the fog that causes us to stay put and not move forward. We may have an experience that is light enough to move through, but we still stride cautiously waiting for the unforeseen obstacles to come. No matter what kind of fog we experience, it is still a hindrance. 

However, one of the things I have come to recognize about fog is sooner or later the light burns it off. As the day progresses the fog dissipates. We can see clearly and we know where we are headed.

When we face the fog in life, remember there is a God who is the light of the world. He will help you get through and sooner or later your fog will dissipate and you will know where you're going. 

I have gained some insight that might prove useful as you travel through the fog and you start to see the light: put your sunglasses on and enjoy the rest of your ride because the destination is coming up.

Question: When does your fog set in? Do you have a place or person to go to when you are in the place of confusion?

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