Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Job Well Done

Well done, my good servant!’ his master replied. ‘Because you have been trustworthy in a very small matter, take charge of ten cities.’- Luke 19:17

I had the privilege of getting to know Nellie this past week. A woman who has been serving in the 3rd grade Sunday school class since the 1960’s. That’s 50+ years of serving children in the name of Jesus! Her passion to see the children know their creator and His love resounds through her voice as she speaks about her role as a teacher in the church. Her smile and voice share the passion she has for these little boys and girls which reveals her heart for the ministry of raising children in the Word of God.

Nellie brings joy to my heart and helps me gain a sense of passion to keep going. However, unlike Nellie, I can keep going. Nellie is stepping down from her role as a Sunday school teacher this month. She is handing her position over to a new person with hopes to see the children continue to thrive. I can sense that she does not want to leave her position, but she has to due to personal reasons. Her service will be missed in this capacity, but I know she won’t stop working to bring glory to Jesus.

Her humility is amazing. I told her I would be mentioning her in my writing and she instantly said “Don’t make a big deal about me.” How can I not? She has given 50+ years of service to the church, but most importantly for our God, whom she knows and wants to see these children know. I am absolutely amazed by her and her heart.

After my meeting with her, I had to ask myself a question: “Can I do that?” Can I seriously give 50+ years of sacrificial service to church? Can I give my complete dedication to the role Christ has called me to play in His Kingdom? I must! There cannot be a “Can I…?” in my mind. 

A willing Spirit and a passionate heart to see people come to know the amazing love of their Creator should be enough to keep me moving. A Sunday school teacher is a thankless job. At times, any ministry position can be a thankless job, but then we must ask: “Who are we serving for?” Are we serving for the glory of God or for the acceptance of people? Hopefully, it is the former and not the latter.

Nellie is a great example to me, but should be for all of us. She stepped into her role and did it with passion and diligence. She continues to pray for and love the students she served over the many years. We must strive to give our lives as a humble sacrifice for whomever and wherever God calls us to serve. Thank you Nellie for your service and I believe God can and will say “Well-done, my good servant.” May I be as faithful in the small things He entrusts me with in my lifetime.

Question: Where are you serving now? What keeps you doing it?

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